cost graph

英 [kɒst ɡræf] 美 [kɔːst ɡræf]




  1. In this paper, a new method for image retrial using color moments of partitions and minimum cost perfect matching for a weighted bipartite graph based on im.
  2. While X-ray ultra-slice graphics technology needs too much cost and time to obtain a 3-dimensional pore structure graph with high definition.
  3. In addition, a new algorithm is constructed to solve cost matrix of graph, the course of that algorithm is more intuitive and easier to understand.
  4. In this paper, the design progress is represented as weighted DAG, and the shortest progress under cost constraints is given by solving the shortest path on the directed graph under constraints.
  5. It is discussed how to find out a suitable level of quality cost by the use of the "sketchy graph indicating characteristics of quality costs".
  6. The algorithms to compute the forward and backward shortest path tree ( FBSPT) rooted at every vertex of a weighted directed graph G  ̄ ( V, E, COST) are proposed.
  7. At the end of this paper, a property system for sensor nodes localization is realized and the accuracy of position estimation and the cost of energy is given in the way of graph under different circumstance.
  8. A minimal cost fault diagnosis mathematics model based on a fuzzy weighted bipartite graph for the airborne missile circuit fault diagnose problem is put forward, and an effective algorithm for it is given.
  9. Due to the expensive computing cost, the speed of energy minimization by graph cuts in stereo correspondence computing is not fast enough for many applications.
  10. With the same purpose of minimizing transportation cost, two models are built. One belongs to 0-1 programming, and another is based on graph theory.
  11. To assess the network information system and comprehensively show attack and defense strategies and theirs cost, a defense graph model is proposed. Compared with the attack graph, the model makes some improvements.
  12. To reduce the cost of the water project, and make the rural water safety policy moe targeted, this paper talks about the optimized allocation of drinking water pipe nets through graph theoretic approach and orthogonal table method.
  13. A new energy function is constructed, using the matching cost proposed in the 3rd Chapter and the image segmentation information, and the methods of multi-label to binary-label conversion and directed graph construction are listed.
  14. Cost optimization scheduling algorithm overcomes the disadvantages of graph partition method by using dynamic full-graph scheduling, and has good optimization ability.
  15. It regards an image as a weighted undirected graph, converts image segmentation problem into graph partitioning one, and implements image segmentation by minimizing certain cost function of graph partition.